The Genius Team consists of adventurous, highly-driven, talented, technically savvy and diverse intelligent individuals and creative innovators. We have a 360-degree passion for nature, art, and adventure. We are also passionate about improving the experience, lifestyle, and mindset of our customers, friends, neighbors and society. The team has a big heart to help the unprivileged youth and people who are affected by both natural and human made disasters. We bring everyone to dream big, be adventurously creative, get big results and most of all, we empower everybody to achieve more and inspire others to step up and join in helping one another.
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Or send a message via text at +1 (719) 930-2860 and we will reply asap.
For crucial feedback and chat, send a message via email at
Mailing address: P.O. Box 69, Lake George, Colorado 80827 USA.
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